We want to Thank our current customers and Welcome our future customers by offering $25 OFF your next purchase at Auto Parts of Shelby. Just think, if the part you buy only costs $25.00, then your part is
free! Hard to argue with that price, right?
We’re also giving you a cool wallpaper for your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You’ll need to install that wallpaper and send us a screenshot or camera shot of it installed on your device in order to get your $25 OFF coupon.
And you’ll need to LIKE our Facebook page. If you have already Liked our Facebook page, thank you!
It’s that simple. So don’t miss out. Get your $25 OFF Coupon now. This promotion ends August 10, 2014. You have until September 30, 2014 to redeem your coupon.
Click here to head on over to our Facebook promotion where you will find all the details, links, and guidance you need to get your $25 OFF Coupon today.